Part VI Mental Ray global illumination
The lesson we learn Mental Ray global illumination settings. Click here to download the scene files (ZIP compression, 20.6K). Mental Ray global illumination renderer is an advanced lighting algorithms that can achieve special color effects of light energy transfer, light is used to simulate the real environment.
1, create the basic scene. First create a rectangle. In the command panel, click the Create / Geometry button, click the Box tool in the Top view to create a rectangle, we will use it as a room. Set its parameters: Length: 100, Width: 100, Height: 60, as shown in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1
2, create a sphere. In the Create command panel, click the Sphere button, in order check the bottom of board Base to Pivot, and in the Top view to create a sphere, set its parameters: Radius value of 20, adjusted to Figure 1-2 location shown.
Figure 1-2
3, to create light. In the command panel, click Create / Lights, Omni button click in the Top view to create a flood lights, lights in the edit command panel projection options will open, and then adjusted to the Front view Figure 1 - 3 shows the location.
Figure 1-3
4, create a camera. In the command panel, click Create / Cameras, click the Target button in the Top view to create a camera, as shown in Figure 1-4, and then activate the renderings, press the C key on the keyboard, the perspective into camera view.
Figure 1-4
5, by adding reverse normal order. Select graph rectangular, in the command panel, click the Modify button access to modify the command panel, in its drop-down list to add it to a Normal command, check the command panel below the Flip Normal command, and then adjust the camera observation point, this basic scenario we create complete end to create complete scene as shown in Figure 1-5.
Figure 1-5
6, for material settings. First let us make room for multi-dimensional material, as the room we are used to create rectangular, so the time specified in the materials we use multidimensional materials for the room type specified a color for each wall material, the main purpose of this production is In order to set the next step for global illumination effects for observing time. Press the M key on your keyboard to open the Material Editor, activate a material example of the ball, named "Room", it would be assigned to the scene of the cuboid. Click the Material Editor window below the Standard button in the pop-up browser window, select materials Multi / Sub-Object material type, then click the Set Number button, set the number of material 6, as shown in Figure 1-6.
Figure 1-6
7, No. 3 materials will be set to blue, the fourth number is set to pink material, this material we will set the room finished, as shown in Figure 1-7.
Figure 1-7
8, material production sphere. In the material editor and then activate an example of the ball, it would be assigned to the scene of the ball, set the Ambient color to pure black, set the Diffuse color value R: 180, G: 180, B: 180, Figure 1 -8 shown.
Figure 1-8
9, scene rendering test. Using the Mental Ray renderer test rendering of the camera view, the effect shown in Figure 1-9.
Figure 1-9
10, global illumination settings. Select the rectangle in the scene, click the right mouse button, the pop-up window, select Properties item, click into the Mental Ray settings item, check the Generate Global IIIumination produce global illumination options, this will launch a bright child cuboid, resulting in overall lighting effects. As shown in Figure 1-10.
Figure 1-10
11, the toolbar, click Render Scene Dialog tools to open the Render Settings dialog box, click into the Indirect lllumination column, check the Global lllumination option under Enable, so we opened the produce global illumination settings, shown in Figure 1 -11 shown.
Figure 1-11
12, test render. Accepted the default settings, use the Mental Ray renderer test on the camera view rendering, rendering shown in Figure 1-12.
Figure 1-12
13, adjust the overall lighting. Observe the scene we found the scene too bright bright child, then we can light to be adjusted. Select scene floodlights, click the Modify button access to modify the command panel, or by adjusting the value of Multiplie regulation under the Energy Global Multipliers value to adjust the size of sub-light brightness can be. As shown in Figure 1-13.
Figure 1-13
14, the final aggregate results. Now we can not carry out the final rendering, it is because the use of global illumination for scenes rendered must be gathered to open a final option. The toolbar, click Render Scene Dialog tool rendering settings dialog box opens, click into the Indirect lllumination column, check the Final Gather option under Enable, so we opened up the final gathering effect, as shown in Figure 1-11 .
Figure 1-14
15, press the render button on the camera view to render, rendering results as shown in Figure 1-15, then we will find that playing with a very long time, at this time scenario of the effect is very good, both in the sphere around side have shown a wall color, room on the top and the ground also showed good results, this is the result of global illumination.
Figure 1-15
16, adjusting rendering speed. Just the time spent in rendering a lot of time, which for us made the scene in real time is very unfavorable, and we hope is that, when rendered in the regulation of the speed should be faster, and finally rendering the final scene graph can be slow number, and we pass the test found that by adjusting the render settings panel under the Final Gather Samples can greatly increase the value of rendering speed, as shown in Figure 1-16, will sample the value is set to 100 again this test rendering We will find a lot of speed, in practice, this value is adjusted smaller, again when the final drawing can be set too large a number.
Figure 1-16
17, bright child radius settings. To see the number of bright children, we can open the radius settings, render settings, command panel, first uncheck the Final Gather option under Enable, check the Global IIIumination option under Enable, check the settings of the Maximum Sampling Radius A value of 1, after the effect of rendering time as shown in Figure 1-17.
Figure 1-17
18, in the rendering settings Command panel, uncheck the Maximum Sampling Radius entry, and then check the Final Gather option under Enable, check the Radius, set the value of 1, Check Min. Radius, set its value is 0.1, as shown in Figure 1-18, to render the scene at this time we will find that speed is still slow, this is because the radius is too small result, under normal circumstances, our actual application process, we should uncheck Min. Radius option, then set the Radius value of larger, this time rendering speed is still fast.
Figure 1-18
19, the Radius value set to 5, the final rendering of the scene, the effect shown in Figure 1-19.
Figure 1-19
20, this section Summary: The main lesson we learn from the Mental Ray global illumination settings approach, learning through this section, should grasp the following aspects:
(1) how to produce global illumination, global lighting necessary conditions? The right-click the object, its properties will be generated in the global lighting option is checked; the scene must be light, and in the Modify command panel to open the light Automatically Calculate Energy and Photons item; in the render settings dialog box, In the Indirect lllumination column, check the Global IIIumination option under Enable, so we opened the produce global illumination settings.
(2) How to adjust the overall brightness of lighting in the scene.
(3) how to improve the rendering speed of the global lighting scenarios.
Well, the lesson to learn on here, the next section we will learn Mental Ray's special lighting, please continue to pay attention PConline software information of 3DS Max part.
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